Looking east:
by Dian Vujovich
You don't need a fortune cookie to ten you that investing in China can pay off--last year's fund performance numbers can do that. more...
Rising in the east
by Dian Vujovich
China: It's been the emerging-market fund story since the early 1990s, and prospects for investment opportunities this year are more promising than ever. more...
Where there's smoke
by Lisa Movius
When Xu Bing first visited Durham, N.C., at the invitation of Duke University in 2000, he was struck by the overwhelming tobacco odor pervading the town. more...
Visiting China's Avant-Garde
by Eleanor Heartney
As economists wring their hands over our trade imbalance with China, an art-world observer might be forgiven for adding artists to the list of items with which China seems to be flooding the Western market. more...